2022, ACG Guide to Keep the 
Magic Alive

Art Direction, Design, Social/Digital Direction

For Spring ‘22, we brought our Earthlings to Iceland. We encouraged our audience to have fun, but thoughtful fun as climate change has continued to drastically affect the land’s melting glaciers. It’s human nature to protect what you love, so we inspired the youth to preserve the joy and keep the fun going forever. This is ACG’s Guide to Keep the Magic Alive.

The ambition was to create a giant light table to portray our adventure like that of a scientific research study. We crafted a 5-foot with our hero images printed on transparencies and created world-bending layouts to champion both product and magic.

Mr. Curiosity Animation Studio.

Creative Direction  :   Patty Wong
Art Director  :   Jack Saunders
Narrative  :   Jeremy Catalino, Will Roelke, Genevieve Hudson
Production  :   Lisa Zandi
Studio Management  :   Elijah Graham, Jeevan Gaberria

Photographer   :   Jerry Buttles
Studio Photography   :   Mr. Curiosity